Data communications
1. Explain ISO/OSI reference model.
_ Physical layer
_ Data link layer
_ Network layer
_ Transport layer
_ Session layer
_ Presentation layer
_ Application layer
2. Explain the topologies of the network.
_ Mesh topology
_ Star topology
_ Tree topology
_ Bus topology
_ Ring topology
3. Explain the categories of networks.
_ Local Area Network(LAN)
_ Metropolitan Area Network(MAN)
_ Wide Area Network(WAN)
4. Explain coaxial cable & fiber optics.
_ Coaxial cable
_ Coaxial cable standards
_ Coaxial cable connectors
_ Fiber optics
_ Propagation modes
_ Fiber sizes
_ Cable composition
_ Light sources for optical cable
_ Fiber optic connectors
_ Advantages & disadvantages of optical fiber
5. Explain line coding (digital to digital conversion).
_ Unipolar
_ DC component
_ Synchronization
_ Polar
_ Non return to zero(NRZ)
_ Return to zero
_ Biphase
_ Manchester
_ Differential Manchester
_ Bipolar
_ Alternate Mark Inversion(AMI)
_ Bipolar 8-zero substitution(B8ZS)
_ High-Density Bipolar 3(HDB3)
Data link layer
1. Explain error detection and error correction techniques.
_ Types of errors
_ Single bit error
_ Burst error
_ Error detection
_ Vertical redundancy check(VRC)
_ Longitudinal redundancy check(LRC)
_ Cyclic redundancy check(CRC)
_ Checksum
_ Error correction
_ Single-bit error correction
_ Hamming code
_ Burst error correction
2. Explain error control mechanism.
_ Stop and wait ARQ
_ Sliding window ARQ
_ Go back-n
_ Selective-reject
3. Explain the flow control mechanism
_ Stop and wait
_ Sliding window.
4. Explain the timers and time registers in FDDI.
Time registers
_ Synchronous allocation(SA)
_ Target token rotation time(TTRT)
_ Absolute maximum time(AMT)
_ Timers
_ Token rotation timer(TRT)
_ Token holding timer(THT)
5. Explain about Ethernet.
_ Access method :CSMA/CD
_ Addressing
_ Electrical specification
_ Frame format
_ Implementation:
_ 10 base 5 :Thick Ethernet
_ 10 base 2 :Thin Ethernet
_ 10 base T :Twisted-pair Ethernet
_ 1 base 5 :Star LAN
6. Explain the frame format for token ring and token bus.
_ Access method: Token passing
_ Priority and reservation
_ Time limits
_ Monitor stations
7. Explain about HDLC.
_ Station types:
_ Primary station
_ Secondary station
_ Configurations:
_ Unbalanced configuration
_ Symmetrical configuration
_ Balanced configuration
_ Modes of communication:
_ Normal Response Mode(NRM)
_ Asynchronous Response Mode(ARM)
_ Asynchronous Balanced Mode(ABM)
_ Frames :
_ Flag field
_ Address field
_ Control field
_ Information field
_ FCS field
Network layer
1. Explain the two approaches of packet switching techniques.
_ Datagram approach
_ Virtual circuit approach
_ Switched virtual circuit(SVC)
_ Permanent virtual circuit(PVC)
_ Circuit – switched connection versus virtual – circuit connection
_ Path versus route
_ Dedicated versus shared
2. Explain IP addressing method.
_ Internetwork protocol (IP)
_ Datagram
_ Addressing
_ Classes
_ Dotted decimal notation
_ A sample internet
3. Define routing & explain distance vector routing and link state routing.
_ Distance vector routing
_ Sharing information
_ Routing table
_ Creating the table
_ Updating the table
_ Updating algorithm
_ Link state routing
_ Information sharing
_ Packet cost
_ Link state packet
_ Getting information about neighbors
_ Initialization
_ Link state database
4. Define bridge and explain the type of bridges.
_ Bridges
_ Types of bridges
_ Simple bridge
_ Multiport bridge
_ Transparent bridge
5. Explain subnetting
_ Subnetting
_ Three levels of hierarchy
_ Masking
_ Masks without subnetting
_ Masks with subnetting
_ Finding the subnetwork address
_ Boundary level masking
_ Non-boundary level masking
6. Write short notes about repeaters, routers and gateways.
_ Repeaters
_ Routers
_ Routing concepts
_ Least-cost routing
_ Non adaptive routing
_ Adaptive routing
_ Packet lifetime
_ Gateways
Transport layer
1. Explain the duties of transport layer.
End to end delivery
Reliable delivery
• Error control
• Sequence control
• Loss control
• Duplication control
Flow control
2. Explain socket in detail.
• Introduction
• Explanation
• program
3. Explain UDP & TCP.
_ User Datagram Protocol(UDP)
_ Source port address
_ Destination port address
_ Total length
_ Checksum
_ Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)
_ Source port address
_ Destination port address
_ Sequence number
_ Acknowledgement number
_ Header length
_ Reserved
_ Control
_ Window size
_ Check sum
_ Urgent pointer
_ Options and padding
4. Explain about congestion control.
_ Congestion avoidance
_ Four situations
_ Discarding
5. Explain leaky bucket and token bucket algorithm
_ Leaky bucket algorithm
_ Leaky bucket
_ Switch controlling the output rate
_ Flowchart
Application Layer
1. Explain the functions of SMTP.
• System for sending messages to other computer users based on e-mail
addresses. SMTP provides mail exchange between users on the same
or different computers.
• User Agent
• Mail Transfer Agent
• Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
• Post Office Protocol
2. Write short notes on FTP.
• Transfer a file from one system to another.
• TCP connections
• Basic model of FTP
3. Explain about HTTP.
• HTTP transactions
• HTTP messages
4. Explain the WWW in detail.
• Hypertext & Hypermedia
• Browser Architecture
• Categories of Web Documents
• Java
5. Explain the type of encryption/decryption method.
Conventional Methods:
• Character-Level Encryption: Substitutional & Transpositional
• Bit-Level Encryption: Encoding/Decoding, Permutation, Substitution,
Product, Exclusive-Or & Rotation
Public key Methods
6. Explain about RSA algorithm.
• Public key Encryption technique.
• Encryption algorithm
• Decryption algorithm
• Security in RSA
7. Explain about secret key encryption algorithm.
• Data Encryption Standard
• Algorithm
• Sub key generation
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